Lifetime Members

The CSRA WGA bestows the honor of a Lifetime Membership to anyone who serves on the Board for 15 or more years. In 2016, the Board voted to grant Lifetime Memberships in recognition of invaluable contributions to the Association and at least 15 years of servitude to the game of golf. Nominations for a Lifetime Membership may come from any CSRA WGA Member through her Club Representative or by a Board Member. The nomination, in writing, must be given to the Executive Board for consideration of presentation to the whole Board.

A Lifetime Membership is perpetual and annual membership dues are waived. Lifetime Members may compete in tournaments conducted by the Association as long as they meet current CSRA WGA membership requirements, including scores posted to compete in The Montenyohl Championship.

Following are the ladies who have received this award and the year it was given. We owe a tremendous debt for the time these women have devoted to the CSRA WGA.
