Important Board Actions

Marion Hansen, President 2024
  • The Bylaws were amended to remove the requirement that women be “18-hole” golfers. Further, Article II Section 4 of the Bylaws was revised to only refer to LPGA guidelines as the criteria for eligibility.
  • The Standard Operating Procedures (SOP) document was updated.
  • The Tournament Guide was reformatted and updated for all sections except the Montenyohl and Lady/Pro. All Tournament forms were revised for consistency.
  • A new document retention and destruction policy was established. Compliance will be the shared responsibility of the Treasurer and Secretary.
  • Due to tax and IRS laws prohibiting the solicitation of funds by our organization, 50-50 raffles were suspended for all future tournaments.
  • The Montenyohl Championship was cancelled due to extensive damage at participating golf courses caused by Hurricane Helene. The presentation of 2024 Awards was rescheduled for the March 2025 tournament.
  • The method for calculating Most Improved Golfer was revised.
Barbara Blatter, President 2023
  • Donations were made to First Tee of Aiken and Augusta and Hook a Kid on Golf.
  • The By-laws were revised to permit any 9 hole LGA member of a CSRA WGA club to play in CSRA events. It is no longer just for 18 hole ladies.
  • When the inventory of CSRA WGA bag tags is gone, they will no longer be given to new members.
  • The 15 year planning calendar was replaced with a 5 year “Long Range Planning Calendar.” The Tournament Committee will handle setting it up.
  • The tournament prize fee was increased by $1.00 to $7 per person. Tournament pay-outs were adjusted to be more equitable.
  • In 2024, the Montenyohl Tournament will be played on two days in late October and one day in November instead of three days in a single week.
  • Cart cancellations for tournaments must be made at least 48 hours prior to the start of the tournament.
  • A policy for reviewing eligibility for donations was put in place.
  • Midland Valley resigned from the CSRA WGA. They were one of the founding member clubs in 1961.
Lou Kressley, President 2022
  • A Stableford format was added to the tournament schedule. Relative forms and procedures were updated for the format.
  • The tournament committee began using Golf Genius for tournament sign-ups in addition to scoring.
  • Donations were made to First Tee of Aiken and Augusta.
  • The website was revamped and moved to a new hosting service.
  • With only ten clubs in the association, the board voted to adjust the schedule so that no club had to host two tournaments in one calendar year.
Mary Vaarwerk, President 2021
  • After many 2020 events were cancelled due to Covid-19, we resumed a full schedule of events starting in April at Cedar Creek and ending with the fall luncheon after the 3rd day of the Montenyohl at West Lake.
  • Team Play resumed and had a full season of matches, ending with a luncheon at Woodside.
  • The Standard Operating Procedures Manual was updated.
  • The Constitution and By-laws were updated.
  • The Years of Service Participation 2020-2029 record was established with information carried over from the first six decades.
  • This was the 60th Anniversary of CSRA WGA.  Each member was given an Anniversary gift of a CSRA WGA Ball Marker and Pen.
Charlotte Johnson, President 2020
  • This was the first full calendar year since moving the start of season from September to January.
  • The new World Handicap System (WHS) was used for the first time.
  • Voted to to maintain the maximum handicap at 40 after USGA recommended the maximum could be 54.
  • Established a Record Retention for Minutes and Financial Statements.  Both will be maintained for 7 years. Financial Information will be posted on the web site.
  • The 10 Stroke differential max for Partners in a 4-Ball was eliminated.
  • Article II Section 2 of By Laws were amended and accepted.
  • The Tournament Guidebook was updated and distributed.
  • Rocky Branch Golf Club resigned.
  • Due to the COVID-19 pandemic, many Meetings and Tournaments were cancelled.  Any events that were held followed strict guidelines of social distancing, masks, singles to a cart, temperature checks, handwashing and no lunches. Scorecards were dropped off and tournament results were posted on the web site.
  • Team Play Season was Cancelled
  • It was voted to not reschedule any 2020 events that were cancelled.
  • Memorial Cup Points, Most Improved Golfer and Perfect Attendance were not be awarded.  Money for the Memorial Cup was rolled over to 2021.
  • 2021 Membership dues will be waived for 2020 members.
Kathy Blackburn, President 2018 – 2019
  • Last year, the board voted to change the CSRA WGA calendar to coincide with the calendar year.  To make the transition, we began this year in September 2018 and continued through December 2019.
  • An eleven (11) stroke maximum was adopted last season and went into effect in January 2019.
  • Goshen Plantation dropped their membership.
  • Bartram Trail joined CSRA WGA.
  • The Montenyohl was moved to November and changed back to a three-day tournament.
  • The Senior Flight was eliminated from the Montenyohl.
  • In September, a surplus of funds was distributed to the remaining tournament and Montenyohl prize funds.
  • Cedar Creek LGA worked out arrangements to play their event at their sister club Aiken Golf Club
Pat Roberts, President 2017-2018
  • A number of motions were passed in effort to increase tournament participation:
    • Add “Behind the field play” to team play.
    • Try a Stableford format at one tournament.  After doing so, it was decided to revert to a four-ball instead.
    • Change the 2018 Montenyohl Tournament to a two day format.
    • Utilize the new maximum strokes rule starting in January, 2019. The max will be eleven strokes.
    • The tournament Withdrawal Policy was left unchanged, after much discussion.
    • Allow a person with fewer than 20 scores to play in the Montenyohl in cases of extenuating circumstances approved by the board.
  • Decision was made to change the CSRA WGA season to a calendar year (January to December) with the Montenyohl being played in November.
  • Voted to send future membership directories out electronically, rather than in printed format.
  • Changed qualification for Most Improved Player to a percentage (66%) rather than number of tournaments played.

Anita Patterson, President 2016-2017
  • Motions were passed to:
    • Present end of the year prizes to 10% of the total number of players during the playing year.
    • Add a 50/50 drawing to Lady/Pro and last day of Montenyohl Tournament.
    • Add new Tournament Chair position to the constitution.
    • Eliminate breakfast at all CSRA WGA tournaments.
    • Eliminate monthly newsletter.
    • Update Tournament Event checklists to include reference to Monitoring Pace of Play and Spotters Guidelines.
    • Adopt a local rule for no penalty for a ball/ball marker accidentally moving on the putting surface by the player, partner, his opponent, or any caddies or equipment, in accordance with USGA Guidelines.
    • Increase prize money entry in all tournaments from $4 to $6.
    • Award low gross and low net of the field winners as well as low gross and low net winners in each flight in four ball tournaments.
  • By-laws were amended to add, “The yearly dues for a CSRA member are $10, with such dues waived for lifetime members.”
  • The new USGA program Golf Genius replaced the USGA TPP program for organizing and scoring CSRA WGA tournaments.
  • The Montenyohl tournament was cancelled due to inclement weather from Hurrican Irma. End of year prizes for 2016-2017 to be presented at first stroke play tournament in new season.
  • South Pointe Ladies Golf Association resigned from CSRA WGA effective September 30, 2017.
Barbara Blatter, President 2015-2016
  • Donations were sent to the First Tee of Aiken, the First Tee of Augusta and Hook-A-Kid on Golf.
  • On-course play-offs were eliminated and replaced with scorecard playoffs to speed the scoring process at tournaments.
  • A new position of tournament chair, responsible for managing tournaments and scoring using TPP, was created effective with the 2016-2017 season.
  • The Standard Operating Procedures and Tournament Guides were updated.
  • The River Club resigned.
  • Dues were increased to $10 beginning with the 2016-2017 season.
  • 50-50 raffles were added to the Lady-Pro and last day of the Montenyohl to increase funds for Memorial Cup prizes.
Barbara Blatter, President 2014-2015
  • Donations were sent to the First Tee of Aiken, the First Tee of Augusta and Hook-A-Kid on Golf.
  • Augusta Country Club withdrew from the CSRA WGA.
  • The River Golf Club joined the CSRA WGA.
  • A computer and printer was purchased for the secretary and tournament scoring.
  • The board decided to start using the TPP program from GHIN for tournament scoring.
Donna Hutto, President 2013-2014
  • Donations were sent to the First Tee of Aiken, the First Tee of Augusta and Hook-A-Kid on Golf.
  • The Tournament Guides and Forms were reorganized and posted on the website.
  • The “Eligibility to Play” requirements (by-law, Article II, Section 4) were revised to be consistent with current LPGA requirements.
  • New, lighter tee markets were purchased to replace the cumbersome ones used in stroke play tournaments.
  • After numerous discussions, the board decided to continue with monthly, rather than quarterly, meeting
Jean Hyer, President 2012-2013
  • Donations were sent to the First Tee of Aiken, the First Tee of Augusta and Hook-A-Kid on Golf.
  • The requirement to have 20 computed scores within the past 9 months for handicaps was dropped for stroke play tournaments.
Marianne Harris, President 2011-2012
  • The Board funded and launched an official website,
  • The Board continued its financial support to the First Tee in August aand Hook-a-Kid in Aiken.
  • Jones Creek withdrew from the CSRA WGA.
  • Club Representatives polled their members on changing the Montenyohl to a two-day event.  There was not sufficient support to do so.
  • The Board agreed to institute a formal budget process.
  • A 50/50 was tried and will continue at Team Play to raise funds for Awards Event at the end of the season.
  • The Constitution was amended to reference our Tax ID, as required by the IRS for non-profits.
  • 2012 was the 50th anniversary of Team Play.  A celebration was hosted by Midland Valley.
Chris Wingeier, President 2010-2011
  • The Board began emailing the minutes of every Executive Board Meeting directly to each CSRA WGA member (rather than to each club representative for posting).
  • The Board changed “tournament entry guidelines”:  allowing an individual to enter a tournament after the monthly Executive Board Meeting (at the discretion of the host club).
  • The Board continued its financial support to the First Tee in Augusta and Hook-a-Kid in Aiken.
  • The Board passed the decision to award appropriate participation Memorial Points to any host club representative who is actively engaged in tournament day responsibilities whether or not she participates in the on course play.
  • There were significant changes to the Lady Pro Tournament:
    1. Format: “Pure” Four Ball – any two best balls of the foursome
    2. Two divisions:  Professional division and Male Amateur division
    3. Player qualifying is left up to each participating member club
  • Tournament designations were officially changed to:
    1. Stroke Play
    2. Four Ball
    3. Team Play (tournaments)
  • The Tournament Guide was revised to reflect changes made by the Executive Board over the past two years and to condense information into a more concise format.
  • 2011 was the 50th Anniversary of the CSRA WGA and culminated with a very special Montenyohl Tournament / End of Season Awards Luncheon Celebration.  The 50th Anniversary Chairman was Barbara Davison.
Chris Wingeier, President 2009-2010
  • The Board began to distribute recurring monthly reports electronically.
  • Memorial points are now recorded and reported cumulatively each month and distributed electronically.
  • The Board continued its financial support to the First Tee in Augusta and Hook-a-Kid in Aiken.
  • The CSRA WGA sponsored its first Fourball Tournament in addition to the regular season schedule of tournaments.
  • The organization added an annual “end of year trophy” to be presented to the club having the highest percentage of individual participation in round robin tournaments.
  • The Board approved eliminating the index cut off for tournaments. Players with a conversion greater than 40 must play to a 40 handicap.
  • The Board approved the use of individual participation history when allocating slots among the members in a limited-field tournament venue.
  • 2011 marks the CSRA WGA 50th anniversary. Barbara Davison was appointed to form and chair the celebration planning committee.
  • After 45 years of membership in the CSRA WGA, North Augusta CC regretfully resigned.
  • The Board voted unanimously to replace two monthly round robins with fourball tournaments.
  • The Board approved Team Play changes regarding match scoring and player handicap limits.
  • The Board approved the addition of a permanent appointed position of Team Chairman.
Barbara Davison, President 2008-2009
  • CSRA Board approved range finders and GPS units with distance capabilities only, in accordance with the USGA rules.
  • The Board continued its financial support of young golfers in the First Tee in Augusta and Hook-A-Kid in Aiken.
  • Green Meadows resigned from the organization because of recent deaths and lack of membership.
  • The Board approved a motion to allow member clubs to field a second team for team play for next season.
  • Augusta Country Club was welcomed as a returning member club.
  • A CSRA pictorial website was created to record tournament results and photos for archival purposes.
  • The Board approved a waiver for members whose clubs close, allowing them to play in individual CSRA events for a period of 60 days.
  • The late Clara Crenshaw was remembered by naming the annual Round Robin Participation Award in her honor.
  • All of the organization’s publicity photo albums and scrapbooks were digitized and recorded on cd’s.
  • A committee began working on plans for the 50th anniversary.
  • The 54-Hole Tournament was renamed the Abby Montenyohl Championship Tournament in honor of her, the first CSRA WGA president.  Abby was the guest of honor at the September tournament’s luncheon.
Carol Morenc, President 2007-2008
  • New CSRA tee markers and a portable sound system were purchased.
  • Old wooden tee markers were given to those who wanted them, with #1 going to Abby Montenyohl, CSRA’s first president.
  • Membership agreement of CSRA member clubs will be signed on a yearly basis.
  • The vice president will take a proactive role to ensure tournament procedures are followed for Round Robins.
  • Use of the Georgia and SC index that is in effect closest to the date of submission of participants for a round robin or team play event.
  • A free CSRA website was created by this year’s publicity chairperson in an effort to bring the CSRA WGA on-line. A professional website will be constructed if it can be funded and if not, then a reserve fund will be established for it to be done in the future.
  • CSRA event rules were changed as follows so that Team Play, Round Robins and the 54 Hole tournament are consistent:
    • allow use of range finders;
    • play the ball down unless conditions on the day of play dictate otherwise;
    • eliminate the CSRA water rule. Play according to USGA rules unless the host club has a defined drop area and specifies it be used for the event being played.
  • Criteria and procedures were defined for reimbursement to members (e.g. attending a Rules Seminar)
  • Pros of participating clubs were surveyed for Lady/Pro improvements.
  • A Standard Operating Procedures document was created, and the By-Laws were changed to support the new document.
  • A new publications position was created to balance the workload currently done by the secretary.
  • Lifetime membership in CSRA WGA was awarded to Clara Crenshaw of Green Meadows.
  • The Hole-in-One trophy nameplates were redone.
  • First Tee and Hook-A-Kid were supported both financially and with volunteers.
Donna Hutto, President 2006-2007
  • Rocky Branch Golf Club in Lincolnton, GA. was accepted into membership as the 16th CSRA WGA club.
  • The Board voted to ban all handheld GPS and range finding devices at any CSRA WGA tournaments.
  • Due to lack of participation from their members, Palmetto Golf Club withdrew from CSRA WGA.
  • Dues were raised to $6.00 for 2007.  This was needed to offset handbook costs due to a steady increase in membership.
  • GPS systems will be allowed in all CSRA play if they are installed on carts at a member club.
  • The CSRA WGA again supported the First Tee in Georgia and Hook-A-Kid inSouth Carolina with both monetary and volunteer support.
  • After considerable discussion throughout the year on pace of play, the red and green flag system is deemed to be the most workable policy.