Another Form of Competition
Team play is an integral and successful part of the CSRA WGA. It brings a welcome and different dimension to women’s golf competition. It is part of, but separate from the regular CSRA, with its own management structure, budget, and calendar. It is represented on the Board of Directors by an appointed team play chairman.
Team play consists of one match per month, with matches rotating among participating clubs. Each match involves three two-woman teams from each club: an A team, a B team, and a C team. Participating clubs may field teams at Level I and Level II. As the name implies, these women play in teams using a best-ball format. The season lasts until every club has had a match against every other participating club.
Team play differs from the CSRA tournaments in that team scores rather than individual scores are used to compute a monthly standing. Scoring is done by points, with recognition given at the end of each match to both gross and net team scores. Standings are then recorded by the team play chairman, submitted to local newspapers, and published on the CSRA WGA website. After the final match, there is a luncheon where the chairman presents awards for top low gross and low net for that season.